Now the fun part everyone’s favorite the Gym Fit Me fee’s

We are going to start by saying Gym Fit Me charges a 5% selling fee on each physical item, subscription, downloadable product or bookable service you sell. The 5% is the total price of your one item. So, for each item you will make 95% of the total sale of that item. Unless stated by your membership. Now that the worst of the news is done.

Please Visit our privacy policy and Terms and Conditions

Please the following links as well as this page

Gym Fit Me Terms and conditions

Gym Fit Me Privacy Policy

Your store site and manager

The store you set up and store manager are provided to you with a membership and will be online and operational as long as your membership fee is up to date and paid on time.

Gym Fit Me seller shipping

Shipping your items is up to you as the seller to decide if you want to charge for shipping, offer free shipping or be a local pick up only store. If you would like to use your own service that is also ok. Just make sure your settings are correct in your store manager shipping settings

Downloadable and/or subscriptions products

The sale of downloadable products has a 5% Gym Fit Me fee for every download. A seller is only allowed to sell any downloadable products that they are the sole owner of and have created under their name. The seller cannot sell or give away any downloads that do not belong to them in their name or cannot give away or sell any files with malicious content either in the file or around it. The seller also cannot sell or give away free any of the following topics including but not limited to Sex, pornography of any type, hate speech or anything close to it, Racial content, any type of Money and/or currency, malicious files or anything else that will cause harm to another Indvidual. Any seller caught with any of the above mentioned will be banned from selling for life and will be prosecuted if seen fit!

Booking Appointments

The sale of Appointment bookings is a product and has a 5% Gym Fit Me fee for every Appointment or service charge that is booked unless free or your membership states the fee is waived. A seller is fully responsible for fulfilling their appointment or service charge and is expected to perform his or her job, appointment or service call with professionalism and perfection. The seller will be reviewed by every customer and is expected to retain an outstanding review with their customers. The seller also cannot sell, book an appointment, service call or give away free for any of the following topics including but not limited to prostitution, Sex, pornography of any type, or anything else that will or might cause harm to another Indvidual’s or their property. Any seller caught with any of the above mentioned will be banned from selling for life and will be prosecuted if seen fit!

Local Pick up

IF approved the seller is responsible for arranging the customers purchased item or items for them to pick up and is trusted to be professional, kind and respectful to all customers that they sell to. The seller will be reviewed by every customer and is expected to maintain high ratings while selling to their customers.

Live Chat

The seller has the option to use live chat with customers and is expected to retain a professional, kind and respectful manner with every customer that is chatted with. This is a free service provided by Dyltree to help both the customer and the seller communicate to make a smooth transaction. Reported profanity will not be tolerated.

Rules and fees are subject to change

Gym Fit Me of course reserves the right to change the rules and fees for customers and sellers at any time to better serve both the sellers and customers along with Gym Fit Me. These fees and rules coexist with our Privacy Policy and Terms and Condition pages. If anyone has any questions or suggestions (which are always loved) please contact the Gym Fit Me Team by email any time

Spread the Fitness